CURRENT SERVICE TIMES: Sundays in-person and on YouTube at 9a / Wednesday Prayer resumes January 15, 2025

The Rock comes first

The Rock comes first


Weekly Devotions



In the first message of the new year, Paul shared from Colossians 1, and challenged us to move beyond merely ‘tipping the King’ with our leftovers, to honoring Him as Lord of our entire lives. As the “firstborn over all creation,” Jesus outranks everything, whether we acknowledge it or not. By seeking His kingdom first, as Matthew 6:33 instructs, we’re promised that everything else will fall into place. This isn’t about prosperity, but about building our lives on an unshakeable foundation that withstands life’s storms. As we reflect on our priorities, let’s consider: are we truly putting Christ first, or merely fitting Him in among our many commitments?

Our Messages