CURRENT SERVICE TIMES: Sundays in-person and on YouTube at 9a / Wednesday Prayer resumes January 15, 2025

Blessde or stressed?

Blessde or stressed?


Weekly Devotions



This message challenges us to examine our relationship with money and how it reflects our faith. The central theme revolves around the spiritual discipline of tithing – not just giving, but giving the first 10% of our income to God. While we’re reminded that Jesus spoke about money more than prayer or faith, this message isn’t about manipulation or getting rich quick, but about trusting God and allowing Him to bless us in ways we can’t contain. The parallel between our financial priorities and our spiritual priorities is striking – where we put our money reveals where we’ve put our heart. As we consider this, we’re encouraged to step out in faith, not just giving our leftovers, but honoring God with our first fruits.

Our Messages