CURRENT SERVICE TIMES: Sundays in-person and on YouTube at 9a / NOTE: Wednesday Prayer will resume in 2025

One of the last things that Jesus told his disciples blew their minds. Jesus – the savior of the world sent from God to redeem us from the curse of sin – actually told them that it would be better for them if he wasn’t with them!
What did Jesus know that they didn’t? Simply that the power of the Holy Spirit was much greater than they could have ever imagined.

Video testimonies...

As we learn about The Helper, we are finding that he changes us because he wants to use us as agents of change in the lives of others and in culture. And so we expect it, just like we would expect a stick of dynamite that is lit to eventually rearrange a room if it's thrown into it.

These are the stories that we have heard about how The Helper is doing just that. Here are some who are being moved by the power of The Helper, and the stories they have shared with our church family. Our prayer is that their stories would be another step toward the stories that The Helper wants to write through you.