CURRENT SERVICE TIMES: Sundays in-person and on YouTube at 9a / NOTE: Wednesday Prayer will resume in 2025

Before there was Movember and No Shave November, there was a simple man with a beard who served the purpose of God in his generation by pointing the culture around him to another man with a beard. In this 3 part series, we take a look at the man, the mission, and the message of John the Baptist, the 2nd greatest bearded man this world has ever known. Along the way, we’ll find out that we can do what he did: faithfully point a culture to the Savior they so desperately need.

It's so easy to push through to whatever we think "should" come next when we study a book, a passage or a concept. But so much of what happens in life is UNexpected, UNscripted and UNcomfortable. And when you really stop to think about it, those were the times when what we learned became UNdeniable.
What does that look like in a church setting? Where everything can seem to be so UNchanging? Well, we don't really know, and so the UNseries is a chance for us to UNplug, UNwind and try to UNderstand what God speaks to us and through us - ALL of us - when we are willing to give him room to.
So, the one thing that these messages will have in common is that they will feature a lot of UN words and they won't really fit with any kind of theme. The UNseries will be a series of things that aren't really a series. It's the anti-series and it may be the most UNforgettable non-series we'll ever do.