CURRENT SERVICE TIMES: Sundays in-person and on YouTube at 9a / NOTE: Wednesday Prayer will resume in 2025

About Us.

Our mission is to become disciplers by being drawn, deepened, and developed. Near God. Near man. Empowered to serve.

Our Story

On a summer night in June of 2011, 20 people sat in a living room and dreamed….

We dreamed of what our county would look like if a group of people came together with the sole purpose of being near God so that He could send them to those far from Him.

We dreamed of what our families would look like if we gave ourselves totally and completely to the mission that Jesus gave Himself to: seeking and saving the lost, and seeing them become followers of His.

We dreamed of what our culture would look like if those followers of Jesus became so passionate about serving Him on the other six days of the week that Sundays would become a celebration instead of a show.

We dreamed of what our lives would look like if we lived authentically, served wholeheartedly, gave sacrificially, and loved courageously.

And true to His promise in Ephesians 3:20, God has done more since that night than any of us could have ever dreamed.

He has saved the lost, healed the sick, restored the broken, filled the empty, challenged the apathetic, embraced the rebellious, and changed the atmosphere of our culture. He has given us a desire to woo people to His grace more than wow them with our gifts. He has taught us how to hear Him, how to trust Him, how to serve Him, and how to follow Him.

He is bringing Himself glory through our story, and the best part of the book will be the pages that are yet to be written.

Our prayer is that they will include your story, too.

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