CURRENT SERVICE TIMES: Sundays in-person and on YouTube at 9a / Wednesday Prayer at 7p

Our Values

Have you noticed how easy it is to collect stuff, and yet how quickly we get overwhelmed and hate the stuff we’ve so easily collected? No matter how much we may aquire – whether in riches, information, or stuff – it seems that there is within each of us a yearning to simplify, to answer the question, “What matters most?

That’s what core values are all about, and more specifically, what these core values are all about. This is our attempt to answer the fundamental questions about what will ultimately guide us as a church corporately and as believers individually. Like anything, they may change over time as God changes our hearts, but all of our values will always fall under one of the CORE FOUR, and each one of those points to the one value that matters the most:


You can learn more about our values by simply clicking the headers below.

We value Biblical truth and expect its power to challenge and change us.
[2 Timothy 3:16-172 Peter 1:20-21Hebrews 4:12Psalm 119:9-11]

We value engaging communication and expect the clear, relevant presentation of Scripture to speak life to a dying culture.
[Acts 17:16-34Hebrews 4:12Colossians 4:3-6]

We value your story and expect God to receive glory and others to receive grace whenever you tell it.
[Philippians 1:6Hebrews 12:2Revelation 12:11]

We value unbreakable unity and expect expect each member to defend our family, our vision and our leaders with tenacity, truth, and grace.
[Psalm 133:1-3Ephesians 4:15]

We value authentic relationships and expect our faith in God to be firmly connected to our faith with others.
[1 Samuel 14:7Acts 2:42-471 John 2:9-11James 2:14-17]

We value spiritual legacies and expect the next generation to see more success than the current one.
[2 Timothy 2:2Titus 2:4-5]

We value genuine hospitality and expect open homes to lead to open hearts.
[Acts 2:461 Peter 4:9]

We value uncontainable growth and expect and prepare for the Lord to multiply His kingdom exponentially through us.
[Acts 2:47]

We value ministry training and expect each member to discover and use their spiritual gifts free from the fear of failure.
[1 Corinthians 12:1-11Ephesians 4:11-16]

We value radical evangelism and expect signs and wonders to follow us as we make disciplers of all nations.
[Acts 2:43Mark 16:15-18]

We value unwavering prayer and expect our desperate cries to change the spiritual atmosphere around us.
[2 Chronicles 7:14Acts 2:42Colossians 4:2-3]

We value passionate worship and expect His presence to overwhelm us with awe of Him and acceptance by Him.
[Psalm 89:15Psalm 114:7Acts 2:282 Corinthians 3:16-18]

We value bold faith and expect people to dream and do big things for God.
[1 Samuel 14:6Romans 12:1-2Ephesians 2:103:20Hebrews 10:35-39]

We value simpler living and expect a lifestyle of contentment to enable greater and more generous giving.
[2 Corinthians 9:6-11Philippians 4:121 Timothy 6:17-19]

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Albemarle, NC 28001