CURRENT SERVICE TIMES: Sundays in-person and on YouTube at 9a / Wednesday Prayer at 7p

Election resources

In a recent survey conducted by George Barna, over 100 million people who align with the Christian faith said they were unlikely to vote in this year’s elections.

When asked for a reason, just over two-thirds of that group said it was because “they are simply not interested in politics and elections.”

We get it. Not many people get into the bickering and bashing between candidates that bombard us during election cycles, and the hard pass seems like a reasonable option.

But is it? As followers of Jesus, we’re called to work wherever we are to see the Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven, and while heaven doesn’t have voting booths (can I get an amen??), it does have God’s truth, glory, and righteousness.

We believe that voting is one way that the church can steward its voice in the country, states, and cities in which we live. and bring heaven’s truth, glory, and righteousness to the places we find ourselves.

Proverbs 14:34 tells us plainly that “righteousness exalts a nation.”

Sometimes that can happen by electing righteous people to office, and all of us would agree on the benefits of having godly people in office over ungodly people in office.

But how does righteousness exalt a nation when there aren’t righteous people on the ballot (as some would argue about this election cycle nationally)? It happens when righteous people steward their right to vote, and then keep following Jesus beyond the ballot box.

In fact, the rest of Proverbs 14:34 says that sin condemns any people, and when that is read in the national context of the first half, it’s clear that when we don’t engage in stewarding the rights and responsibilities we’ve been given by our nation (and voting is one of those), we leave the door open for sin to drag our nation down instead of righteousness being free to lift it up. 

While we don’t believe we have a mandate to endorse or encourage you to vote for a specific candidate, we do have a mandate to encourage you to pray, research, listen to the Spirit, and vote!

Jesus told us to pray for the kingdom to come here as in heaven, and we believe that voting is one way that followers of Jesus can engage with that prayer.

(We are deeply grateful to Jason Phibbs for his time and effort in researching much of what is on this page.)

Side-by-side comparison of Presidential candidates
A guide to help you dig deeper into the National and Statewide races
Voter Guide for our local Albemarle City Council election
Finally, some 40 year-old advice from the Assemblies of God that still resonates today